If you are located in remote areas where DSL, Cable or Frame Relay is not available or too expensive, consider Internet connection via satellite services from BusinessCom. We have provided Internet by satellite broadband IP connectivity worldwide since 2003 and connect our customers directly to Top Tier providers of Western Europe and United States.
VSAT solutions
BusinessCom® Internet over satellite services suit a wide range of applications from DTH to Enterprise, including Wireless Hot Spot operators, Internet Service Providers and VoIP carriers. Our Internet access by satellite services feature 1-way DVB/IP and bi-directional TDMA and FDMA based VSAT solutions to support business applications, IP data and voice traffic with guaranteed quality.
We provide high speed Internet by satellite to Europe, CIS and Middle East via Ku-Band geostationary satellites at frequency ranges of 10.95 to 12.75 GHz for reception (from our Hub to remotes) and 13.75 to 14.5 GHz for the return channel transmission. African and Asian tropical climate countries are primarily serviced via lower frequency C-Band beams operating at near 5 GHz frequencies – this assures full Internet over satellite service availability over rainfall seasons. Such reliability allows our customers to use satellite backbones to extend Internet by satellite service further to their end subscribers.
Quality of service
In addition, our broadband Internet connection over satellite service can be designed to carry VoIP and Videoconferencing traffic. Certain BusinessCom solutions such as PEP-iDirect allow customizable QoS setup to prioritize streaming applications for toll quality IP voice and video communications. iDirect-enabled integrated BusinessCom® Internet by satellite solutions further optimize VoIP protocol bandwidth usage by employing techniques such as RTP and Sentinel DataPlex compression raising concurrent call capacity up to 100%.
For Enterprise VPN users, BusinessCom recommends deploying SSL/TLS based VPN that is transparently TCP-accelerated by the satellite modem. We support full bandwidth IPSec and other Layer 2 VPN technologies through external TCP acceleration appliances that can be seamlessly integrated into our Internet by satellite services.